I nevertheless did cast on my tryout sweater (being stubborn, or trying to do something pleasant for a few minutes), but every time progress was made I had to rip off because I was completely unable to concentrate.
As for reading, my sweater is a "knitting from the top" sweater, so Barbara Walker is never too far. Elizabeth Zimmermann is right next to her, and I am having lots of fun jumping from one to the other, opening their books at a random page and discovering the knitting wisdom within.
There is one fundamental thing I have learnt through that sneezing-galore week: health is so precious, especially in children. That cold was nothing: nobody ran the slightest fever. However, every time I was hearing one of my daughters cough, my heart would break. Parents who have a sick child - a really sick one - and who manage to walk through the ordeal alongside the child are superheroes.
I am blessed with two beautiful and healthy daughters. Blessed. There is nothing more to say.
Except perhaps to join Tamy and Ginny for their WIP Wednesday!

I need to make a try it out sweater..I hope you have a better week..and get to find sometime to knit:) :)